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Weight Loss

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Vincent Lopez before and after picture

Vincent Lopez, a customer at NUTRISHOP Brea, is starting his third Transformation Challenge. He won the last two. Read more

Shirtless man in oversized jeans

The number one reason why yo-yo dieting happens is that dieters don't treat dieting as a lifestyle change.Read more

Grilled chicken platter

Add these foods to your next grocery shopping list and start reaping the fat-blasting, metabolism-boosting benefits!Read more

Various items scattered , tape measure , weights, fruit and more

Want to lose weight while gaining muscle? Can we really have both at once? Let’s dispel some mythology and...Read more

Stacey Johnson before and after photos

After waking up one morning in November 2018 and succumbing to an unexpected crying spell, Stacey Johnson, 34, realized...Read more

Ripped male torso at the breach

Use proper diet, cardio, and core exercises to trim two inches off your waist this month!Read more

Before and after photos of Brittney Carbone

After a 70-pound weight gain, Brittney Carbone took charge of her health and fitness to become a marathon runner and bikini competitor.Read more

Two woman going for a walk

Isn’t 40 the new 30? Shouldn’t my bathroom scale be dropping, too? After all, we’ve got an extra...Read more
