Successful weight loss is not just about reducing calories, it’s also about regulating hormones that contribute to weight gain and a slower metabolism. Read more
Weight Loss
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Recent research has shed light on the benefits of psyllium, a plant-based fiber that just might be the fat-loss...(Read more on this topic)
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Beth Van Kampen looked at herself in the mirror one day and no longer recognized herself. This is her transformation story.Read more
Customer from NUTRISHOP Northshore in Covington, LA shares how she lost over 60 pounds by learning the value of nutrition.Read more
Mother of two/ER nurse shares how she lost an incredible 115 pounds and is now getting ready for her first fitness competition. Read more
“Lose Your Gut Overnight.” “Lose 15 Pounds in 10 Days.” These types of headlines make me angry. Read more
With the holiday season straight ahead, you might be worried about all those scrumptious sweets and savory comfort foods sabotaging your fitness and weight-loss efforts. Don't. Read more
Help! I need to lose weight, and I need to do it, STAT! Is it possible or safe to lose 10 pounds in one week? Read more
You can start achieving your weight-loss goals BEFORE the New Year without starving yourself or over-exercising!Read more