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Meet Leah Ward

Leah Ward stretching in the park

Leah Ward is no stranger to hard work. As a successful mortgage lender and fitness competitor, she is now opening F45 gyms (four are already opened). She might be incredibly busy, but she still takes time for herself, and will not sacrifice her health and fitness. Leah has been a NUTRISHOP®-sponsored athlete for three years. We caught up with her to ask her to dish on everything from her favorite cheat meal to how she overcame her greatest challenge. Here is what she had to say:

The Basics…

Age: 29 

Sport: Fitness competitions  

Social Media Accounts: @leahwardfitness


The Questions…

How did you get involved in fitness competitions and how long have you been doing it? I grew up as an extremely competitive adolescent, always felt passion for competing, especially anything fitness related. I realized after graduating college in 2013 I needed a sport to keep my mind and body in shape.

What has been one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced and how did you overcome it? I blew out my knee four times and had three knee surgeries. The doctor told me I would never run again without pain. That pushed me to train harder and do more physical therapy. I am almost 30 with no knee pain.

What is the best part about what you do as an athlete? It has allowed me to create a fitness empire and to be able to open six gyms in my city to offer health and wellness thoughout the community. 

How have NUTRISHOP® supplements helped you become better at your sport? Being a natural athlete, the joint supplement helps my knees and the daily collagen helps for overall long-term health. Their supplements are geared not only to build muscle mass or, the opposite, to lose weight but are to help longevity for your body to prosper. 

What is your favorite supplement or supplement stack so far and why? My favorite stack includes Thermovex PM, a nighttime metabolic formula that helps body recover while I sleep; Glutacor, which helps provide additional amino acids and electrolytes; and Phenadren, my favorite thermogenic to keep me lean. 

What does being a part of Team NUTRISHOP® mean to you? It's an honor to be associated with some of the best people in the industry, all the way to its ownership and its athletes. I’m proud to be associated with each and every one of them.

When times get tough, how do you stay motivated? I remind myself why I started and tell myself that today’s work will be my future success. 

Who inspires you and why? My Dad. He provides blessings when no one is looking. He's humble and my biggest role model. 

What are your top five training tips for your sport? 

  1. Train your subconscious mind to think positive.
  2. Start your day with gratitude so you can see the positive in life.
  3. When things get tough, focus on you and don't compare yourself with others.
  4. Stay true and consistent.
  5. Feed your body like a temple. 

What is the most important piece of advice you would offer to someone who wants to be like you? It takes hard work, consistency, and persistence. Anything you set your mind too is possible, but you have to be willing to be disciplined. 

Favorite quote or mantra? "Let go and let God." 

Top 3 songs you listen to when working out? "Think For You" by David Guetta, "Dangerous Woman" by Ariana Grande, and "If I Lose Myself" by One Republic.

Favorite cheat meal? S'mores Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. 

Favorite healthy snack? Overnight oats with peanut butter. 

What is your training routine like each week? F45 group fitness training 4x a week, 2 lower leg days, 2 spin classes and tennis 2x week. 

What is your most notable achievement? Being 2-time cover model with over 20 magazine spreads and opening four F45s in 2020.

Future goals? Continue expanding F45 along the Southwest and dedicating more time to myself, to God and to my loved ones.

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