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Iced Blue Razz Gummies

BCAA Complex bottle surrounded by blue gummy bears

Face it, you're bored at home and constantly surfing the fridge and pantry. Give yourself something creative and fun to do that won't wreck your waistline. Make some BCAA gummies! Adding a scoop of the newly re-flavored Iced Blue BCAA Complex™ will help fuel your muscles and satisfy your taste buds. 


  • 1 scoop of Iced Blue Razz BCAA Complex™
  • 3 packets of Knox Unflavored Gelatin
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • Candy silicone mold (use any mold you like: bears, hearts, dogs, stars – you choose!)


  1. Mix gelatin, BCAA Complex™, and hot water together until powder fully dissolves.
  2. Use a dropper to pour the mixture into the candy silicone mold.
  3. Freeze for 30 minutes or let stand on the counter for three hours. 
  4. Remove gummies from their mold and enjoy (or store in the fridge for up to six days).

RELATED: Delicious BCAA Jello Recipe