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In the Spotlight

Inspiring athletes, customers, and franchisees.

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Jen Heward sitting in a grass field

Introducing social media influencer and NUTRISHOP-sponsored athlete, Jen Heward, a.k.a. "HunnyBunsFit!" Read more

Vincent Lopez before and after picture

Vincent Lopez, a customer at NUTRISHOP Brea, is starting his third Transformation Challenge. He won the last two. Read more

People walking together holding american flags

Every year, people remember 9/11 in their own way. But for U.S. Coast Guard veteran Jordan Houle and U.S....Read more

Photos of Bunny Azzopardi posing in fitness attire

How does Bunny Azzopardi, 49, a fitness competitor/model, mom, business owner and NUTRISHOP®-sponsored athlete who has won competitions do it? Find out! Read more

Before and after photos of Keith Leo

Meet Keith Leo: a NUTRISHOP®-sponsored athlete who just earned his WBFF pro card and is helping clients get in the best shape of their lives!Read more

Leah Ward stretching in the park

NUTRISHOP®-sponsored athlete Leah Ward is no stranger to hard work. As a successful mortgage lender and fitness competitor, she is now opening F45 gyms in her community. Read more

Stacey Johnson before and after photos

After waking up one morning in November 2018 and succumbing to an unexpected crying spell, Stacey Johnson, 34, realized...Read more

Before and after photos of Brittney Carbone

After a 70-pound weight gain, Brittney Carbone took charge of her health and fitness to become a marathon runner and bikini competitor.Read more
