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Fit Mom Aims to Inspire Others

Janae Smith laying in the sun

Janae Smith, 28, is a proud mom of one (with another on the way), a loving and supportive wife to a man who is selflessly serving his country in the military, and she's a online coach, certified personal trainer, social media influencer and NUTRISHOP-sponsored athlete who has been inspiring others to change their lives for the better. But her life hasn't been without challenges or dark periods. For six years, she struggled with body dysmorphia and disordered eating. Fast forward several years and a few rehab programs later, with strong courage and a desire to get past her demons, Janae has now helped hundreds of thousands of women shift their perspectives about health, diet, and what being fit looks like. It’s not about being skinny or depriving ourselves of the things we love, she said. Her hope is that her story will continue to inspire others.

How did you get involved in fitness and coaching, and how long have you been doing it? 

I began working as a personal trainer in college (over 10 years ago!); but what really sparked my interest in training and nutrition was my personal journey with eating disorders. My own transformation inspired me to help other women who struggled in similar ways. Today, I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of women shift their perspectives about health, diet, and what being fit looks like. It’s not about being skinny or depriving ourselves of the things we love. I hope that my story continues to inspire others!

What is the best part about what you do as a social media influencer/coach? 

Connecting with people all over the world and sharing my journey as a coach, mother and military wife! As a coach, I especially love that 90% of my clients find me through social media or random workout videos. Social media is a crazy tool, but I wouldn’t have my business without it!

What has been one of the greatest challenges you’ve faced and how did you overcome it? 

I struggled with anorexia for over six years (in my teen years), which was deeply rooted in diet culture and body dysmorphia. I spent much of my high school career in various rehab programs. It didn’t happen overnight, but I slowly learned the truth about what I was dealing with. Eventually, I decided I didn’t want to struggle with this for the rest of my life. I had to choose to step out of my comfort zone and trust the process. This was a dark period for me, but God carried me through it and it’s a true testimony of His grace and redemption.

How have Nutrishop supplements helped you in your fitness journey? 

Everything! Honestly, I don’t think I could choose one! My lifesavers as a busy mama are PRO7EIN SynthesisLOUD, and RESTOR.

Woman holding a Loud energy drink

Nutrishop supplements currently taking? 

My pre-pregnancy stack: PRO7EIN SynthesisBCAA ComplexGamma LeanPower ATPRESTORLipotropicCasein Chocolate CoconutOmega 3sSuperfoods 

What is your favorite Nutrishop supplement so far and why? 

My favorite would have to be Thermovex (when I’m not pregnant). It literally delivers just the right amount of energy in the morning as I start my day or before a workout! 

What does being a part of Team Nutrishop mean to you? 

I’m honored to be a part of this community. I love that everyone on Team Nutrishop is so supportive and genuine. We have a unique opportunity to inspire others through our fitness journeys, and I think everyone does an incredible job of representing the Nutrishop brand.

When times get tough, how do you stay motivated? 

My family! My husband and my babies mean the world to me. They inspire me to be the best, strongest version of myself. I also look up to many of my clients. They constantly inspire me with their stories, their drive, and their transformations! They are such a blessing!

Who inspires you and why?  

My husband. He’s a badass, and he serves our family and country selflessly. He not only gives 110% to our family, but he gives his all to his profession. To serve as the Best of the Best in the U.S. Military sets apart his character and work ethic.

What are your top five training tips for someone looking to get in great shape? 

1.) Be Consistent 

2.) Stop Comparing Yourself to Others 

3.) Reminder Yourself Daily Why this is Important to You 

4.) Create a Solid Game Plan 

5.) Find Accountability

What is the most crucial piece of advice you would offer to someone who wants to be like you? 

Love yourself and the journey. Nobody is perfect. Every day is an opportunity to grow and learn from your experiences.

Favorite quote or mantra?

Let go and let God.

Janae Smith holding a neon pink nutrishop bottle

Top 3 songs you listen to when working out? 

  • Yes! (Kyle, K Camp)
  • Mi Gente- Alesso Remix (Sebastian)
  • Maybe (Fearless Motivation)

Favorite cheat meal? 


Favorite healthy snack? 

PRO7EIN Synthesis Milkshake (PRO7EIN Synthesis, frozen banana, PB2, ice, almond milk)

What is your training routine like each week? 

I strength train five days/week and go on daily walks or hikes with my babies! Chasing my toddler around counts as cardio, right??

What is your most notable achievement? 

Training through pregnancy and postpartum...or maybe surviving a 9-month deployment with a baby!

Future goals? 

Stay fit and healthy in my current second pregnancy! Continue growing my 1:1 Coaching Program and inspiring others worldwide!

Janae's Social Media Accounts: @naebaytrains @thesocialbreak