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Chady Dunmore: Starting Over Again

Chady Dunmore looking over her shoulder smiling

When you first meet two-time WBFF World Champion Chady Dunmore, it is hard to believe she has ever been anything but the fit and radiant epitome of health she is today. In truth, the real story of her life paints a very different picture than the one featured in countless fitness magazines and spread across social media. If possible, the real story of how Chady became a household name in the fitness industry only makes her more relatable and inspiring than she already is.

Battling kidney disease since she was four years old, Chady had no choice but to take care of her body through optimal nutrition and exercise to remain healthy. What initially seemed like a burden for such a young child became the sprout that bloomed into a passion for fitness and health, and Chady became an avid sports enthusiast who earned her black belt in Taekwondo at merely 12 years old. She kept up her love for fitness well into her teens when she progressed into cheerleading and gymnastics, as well as professional modeling at the age of 16.

A challenging but pivotal point in Chady's life came in her early 20s when she became pregnant with her beloved daughter. The pregnancy was not only high-risk; it caused her previously dormant kidney disease to flare up once again. Struggling to stay healthy and with her hormones all over the place, Chady finally gave birth to her bundle of joy - having gained 70 pounds during the difficult pregnancy. Although extremely overjoyed to be able to hold her little miracle in her arms, the image she met in the mirror postpartum was both shocking and disheartening.

At 200+ pounds, Chady became severely depressed and felt like there was no way out of the situation. "I think many new mothers can relate to how I felt after I had my daughter, which is why I think it's so important to share my struggles with other women. It's incredibly deceiving and discouraging to look at all these airbrushed models and actors who seem to bounce back immediately from pregnancy, and I think as an influencer and fitness role model, I have a responsibility, to tell the truth, and empower my fellow women in a raw and authentic way."

Despite the feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing that drained her, Chady was able to re-engage the fighter inside her that got her through her kidney disease. With a determined resolve to rekindle her lifelong love for health and wellness, she decided to do everything in her power to resculpt her body into one she could both feel proud of and live to the fullest in, for many years to come.

"I'm not going to lie and say it was easy. I spent countless hours devouring every piece of information I could find on the vast topic of fitness and nutrition, which allowed me to develop an effective course of action to achieve my goal," Chady said. "After a lot of sweat and quite a few bouts of tears, my efforts finally paid off. The person I saw in the mirror was no longer overweight, miserable, and sick. She was an athletic woman that radiated with health, energy, and most importantly, self-confidence. That is when I realized that perhaps my journey and everything I learned along the way could help someone else –– that my purpose was to guide others by using my struggles and subsequent victories as inspiration."

Today, the single mother and power-woman works full time as a fitness model, motivational speaker, personal trainer, and holistic nutritionist, alongside running the website ChadyFit.com. She also wrote an e-book, HealTHYSelf – an inspirational guide to health, featuring a full workout and nutrition program designed to transform your mindset while mastering your inner and outer strength.

"When we take time to reconnect with ourselves by listening to our intuitions, ground ourselves in the present, we can really move forward. You are the only one who can do this. The mind and body are separate but what you do with your body will have a powerful effect on your wellbeing and vice versa. What is on the inside shows on the outside. Without inner peace, authenticity fades."

To learn more about Chady and her work to help others achieve lasting health and happiness, visit ChadyFit.com.

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