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Protect Against Covid with Exercise

Man and woman doing barbell rows

Exercise is known to have many health benefits, ranging from reducing feelings of anxiety and depression to protecting against many chronic diseases. But two recent studies indicated that exercise has enormous benefits AGAINST Covid-19 and why being active should be implemented into your lifestyle.

One study stated that working out REDUCES the risk of getting Covid-19. The study evaluated 76,395 people in South Korea. These individuals completed a national health examination, which included an assessment for physical activity, and were tested for COVID. 

The study found out that adults who worked out (cardio + strength training) had a LOWER risk of Covid-19 infection (2.6% vs. 3.1%), which means they are LESS likely to get infected with the virus if they exercise. They also found that these adults had a LOWER risk of Severe Covid-19 (0.35% vs. 0.66%) and had a LOWER risk of Covid-19-related death (0.02% vs. 0.08%). Essentially, this means there’s nearly 2X MORE risk of ending up with severe COVID if you don’t exercise, and nearly 4x MORE risk of dying a COVID-related death if you don’t, respectively. 

The researchers said regular exercise helps cut the risk of infection, boost the immune system, and reduce disease-causing inflammation in the body.

Additionally, another study concurs that exercise cuts the risk of dying from Covid-19 by 2.5x.

A new study in California of 48,440 Covid patients shows that the consistently inactive people during the two years before the pandemic were more likely to be hospitalized, admitted to intensive care units, or die.

Besides pregnancy, age, and having an organ transplant, being sedentary was linked to the HIGHEST chance of being hospitalized.

The researchers formed three categories:

  • Being consistently inactive (0-10 minutes a week)
  • Getting some activity (11-149 minutes a week, or working out but is not consistent)
  • Working out 150 minutes or more a week (the amount recommended in U.S. guidelines)

They discovered that INACTIVE people (not exercising at all) had 1.73 times HIGHER probabilities of ending up in the ICU and had 2.49 times HIGHER risk of dying compared to those who met recommended activity guidelines.

Interestingly enough, people who got SOME EXERCISE but didn’t consistently meet guidelines had 1.58 times HIGHER chances of ending up in the ICU. They also had 1.88 times greater odds of death than regular exercisers.

The World Health Organization recommends that people be as active as possible and encourages everyone to engage in regular aerobic physical activity as well as bone and muscle-strengthening activity. 

According to multiple studies, the one thing you can do to put yourself in the best possible position for Covid is to exercise at least 150 minutes per week, which you can do in just 30 minutes, five days a week!

Exercising is something PROACTIVE you can do for yourself and your loved ones. Exercise also helps keep our immune systems healthy, which is a huge part of the fight against Covid. 

If you're living a sedentary lifestyle, it’s time to GET ACTIVE – and inspire your family and friends to join you, so we can ALL be healthier together. 

About the Author: Brittinie Wick is an Air Force Veteran turned Health and Fitness Coach who founded Brittinie Wick Fitness. Her mission is to empower all women, through fitness and nutrition, to gain confidence, lose weight, and celebrate the feeling of strong and sexy.