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Friendsgiving with Planksgiving

A woman and a man planking on grass

I love holiday traditions. The downside is they always seem to revolve around eating and drinking too much.

Since staying in is the new going out and meetups at boutique fitness studios have turned into the equivalent of social engagement or happy hour, why not start a new tradition this year? Schedule a Friendsgiving with Planksgiving. Say what? 

It's easy. All you have to do is host a healthy potluck event for your friends (Friendsgiving) that kicks off with a workout involving planks (Planksgiving). Tell everyone to wear festive workout wear in fun fall colors and bring a healthy dish (plus a copy of the recipe to share). Before you hit the dinner table, sweat it out first doing the below No-Equipment HIIT routine. You'll get to torch some calories while socializing with all your fit friends, AND, you'll get all the fun without the hangover and holiday bulge!

No-Equipment HIIT Workout 

Repeat five times (use a timer)

  • Planks - 1 min
  • Rest - 1 min
  • Jack-Knife Sit-Ups - 1 min 
  • Rest - 1 min
  • Squats - 1 min 
  • Rest - 1 min 
  • High Knees - 1 min 
  • Rest - 1 min
  • Push-Ups - 1 min
  • Rest - 1 min
  • Mountain Climbers - 1 min
  • Rest - 1 min

– By Corey Phelps, NASM certified trainer and nutrition expert. Follow her on IG @cultivatebycorey


NEXT UP: Fall-Inspired Recipes For Your Friendsgiving Party